TagLib API Documentation
TagLib::PropertyMap Member List

This is the complete list of members for TagLib::PropertyMap, including all inherited members.

addUnsupportedData(const String &key)TagLib::PropertyMap
begin()TagLib::Map< Key, T >
begin() constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
cbegin() constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
cend() constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
clear()TagLib::Map< Key, T >
ConstIterator typedefTagLib::PropertyMap
contains(const String &key) constTagLib::PropertyMap
contains(const PropertyMap &other) constTagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::contains(const Key &key) constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
detach()TagLib::Map< Key, T >protected
end()TagLib::Map< Key, T >
end() constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
erase(const String &key)TagLib::PropertyMap
erase(const PropertyMap &other)TagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::erase(Iterator it)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
TagLib::Map::erase(const Key &key)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
find(const String &key)TagLib::PropertyMap
find(const String &key) constTagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::find(const Key &key)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
TagLib::Map::find(const Key &key) constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
insert(const String &key, const StringList &values)TagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::insert(const Key &key, const T &value)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
isEmpty() constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
Iterator typedefTagLib::PropertyMap
Map()TagLib::Map< Key, T >
Map(const Map< Key, T > &m)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
Map(std::initializer_list< std::pair< const Key, T > > init)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
merge(const PropertyMap &other)TagLib::PropertyMap
operator!=(const PropertyMap &other) constTagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::operator!=(const Map< Key, T > &m) constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
operator=(const PropertyMap &other)TagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::operator=(const Map< Key, T > &m)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
TagLib::Map::operator=(std::initializer_list< std::pair< const Key, T > > init)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
operator==(const PropertyMap &other) constTagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::operator==(const Map< Key, T > &m) constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
operator[](const String &key) constTagLib::PropertyMap
operator[](const String &key)TagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::operator[](const Key &key) constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
TagLib::Map::operator[](const Key &key)TagLib::Map< Key, T >
PropertyMap(const PropertyMap &m)TagLib::PropertyMap
PropertyMap(const SimplePropertyMap &m)TagLib::PropertyMap
replace(const String &key, const StringList &values)TagLib::PropertyMap
size() constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
swap(Map< Key, T > &m) noexceptTagLib::Map< Key, T >
toString() constTagLib::PropertyMap
unsupportedData() constTagLib::PropertyMap
value(const String &key, const StringList &defaultValue=StringList()) constTagLib::PropertyMap
TagLib::Map::value(const Key &key, const T &defaultValue=T()) constTagLib::Map< Key, T >
~Map()TagLib::Map< Key, T >